Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Australian Workplace Is A Evolving Environment

The Australian workplace is a constantly evolving environment. When we look at the structure of the Australian workplace environment, we can infer that Australia’s multicultural society has broken down the barriers of uniformity. This both contextual and individual concept is refereed to as diversity. Contrary to popular belief, diversity does not jus relate to gender, race cultural identity. Diversity is categorized into four main categories: organisational, internal, external and personality. From these categories, various experiences and perspectives arise, portraying the concept of diversity. Unless managed and understood properly, diversity can cause a wide range of obstacles in the Australian workplace, with the main workplace†¦show more content†¦Australian workplace human resource managers are coming to the conclusion that in order for the organisation to function effectively, institutionalized dimensions creating the barrier of diversity need to addressed and removed. Successful organisations have embedded the principles of diversity management in all areas of Human resource management from recruitment, to workplace health and safety, performance appraisals, selection and training. Implementing these strategies not only improves the rapport and competitive advantage of the organisation within the business world, the organisation is also perceived as a positive influence within the community, enhancing the ability to reach organisation objectives and the overall perception of product and service quality. Although we live in a technological world, employees still need to interact on a face-to-face basis and in order to achieve this, barriers preventing positive diversity such as stereotypes, discrimination and ethnocentrism. For organisational inclusiveness of diversity, resource managers must determine the rationale behind the need to implement diversity and the benefits it would have on their organisation. The organisational frame of diversity initiatives depends on the outcome the resources managers

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Business Plan Capstone - 6220 Words

A. Executive Summary 4 A1. Company Identification 4 A2. Mission of the Company 4 A3. Business Goals 4 A4. Keys to Success 5 B. Company Summary 5 B1. Industry History 5 B2. Legal Form of Ownership 6 B3. Location and Facilities 6 B4. Management Structure 7 B5. Products and Services 8 C. Market Analysis 8 C1. Target Market 8 C2. Industry Analysis 9 C3. SWOT Analysis 10 D. Market Strategy 12 D1. 4Ps 12 D2. Price List 13 D3. Promotional Strategy 14 D4. Sales Forecast 14 E. Implementation Strategy 17 E1. Overall Strategy 17 E2. Monitoring Plan 17 F. Financial Statements and Projections 18 F1. Revenue and Cost Estimate†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.18 F1. Forecasted Profit and Loss Statement 18 F2. Forecasted†¦show more content†¦The cart will be supplied with local food from our local farms and local bakers ensuring we have the best products to sell. It is our intention to ensure our food is the freshest by using local farm to market food as well as keeping the prices low. Making money is why we are in business. For us to make money it will be necessary to have repeat customers which will keep our business thriving. Using social media will let our customers know where we are on a given day. Social media works both ways, our customers can contact us on social media such as facebook to find out where we might be over a weekend. This will help us reach the goals of repeat business in the Portland/Vancouver area. We are hoping by the use of social media, using farm fresh produce for our food and keeping our prices at a reasonable rate that our customers will come back to us time and time again to enjoy delicious, healthy, and freshly made vegetarian and vegan food tha t customers will enjoy and seek out at local events in the area. A4. Keys to Success: Our plan will be to produce the same menu week after week. However, customer feedback is very important for our success. Customers will have an important part of what is on the menu. Partnering with the finest farmers in the Northwest for our produce will play a big part in keeping our final product tasting good each and every time. Customers will come to count on the tasty food we generate each and every time they eat with Vegetarian Delight.Show MoreRelatedBusiness Plan for Wash Dry and Guard Detailing Essay examples15667 Words   |  63 PagesBUSINESS PLAN FOR WASH DRY AND GUARD DETAILING Bachelors Capstone Final Project Elizabeth M. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Summary of Bhopal Disaster free essay sample

The Union Carbide plant was established in Bhopal in 1969 and it began to produce the insecticide Carbaryl. methyl isocanyte is an ingredient of carbaryl, and on the morning of December 3, 1984, a holding tank containing 43 tons of methyl isocyanate overheated and released the toxic gas. Because methyl isocyanate is heavier than air, it traveled over the ground through the Bhopal city center. The transportation system collapsed, and many people were trampled to death in a mad rush to flee the visible gases.In total, 15,000 people died and 150,000-600,000 people were injured. The contamination and deaths were a result of numerous factors: * Recent documents obtained through discovery in the course of a lawsuit against Union Carbide for environmental contamination (before a New York Federal District Court) revealed that Carbide had exported untested, unproven technology to the Indian plant. Unlike Union Carbide plants in the USA, its Indian subsidiary plants were not prepared for problems. We will write a custom essay sample on The Summary of Bhopal Disaster or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page No action plans had been established to cope with incidents of this magnitude.This included not informing local authorities of the dangers of chemicals used and manufactured at Bhopal. * Reports issued months before the incident by scientists within the Union Carbide corporation warned of the possibility of an accident almost identical to that which occurred in Bhopal. The reports were ignored outright and never made it to senior staff. Due to falling sales, staff had been laid off and safety checks became less and less frequent. * Slip-blind plates that would have prevented water from pipes being cleaned from leaking into the MIC tanks via faulty valves were not installed.Their installation had been omitted from the cleaning checklist. * At the time of the event, the MIC tank refrigeration unit was disabled to save money, and some of its coolant was being used elsewhere. A simple press of a button in the control room would have activated it to at least use the remaining coolant, but this was overlooked by staff. * The gas scrubber was placed on standby, and therefore did not attempt to clean escaping gases with sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), which may have brought the concentration down to a safe level. The water curtain that may have reduced the concentration of the gas was only set to ~13 m and did not reach the gas; it was not designed to contain a leak of such magnitude. Though the audible external alarm was activated to warn the residents of Bhopal, it was quickly silenced to avoid causing panic among the residents. Thus, many continued to sleep, unaware of the unfolding drama, and those that had woken assumed any problem had been sorted out. The flare tower used to burn off gases before they are allowed to escape into the air was inoperational pending repairs. * Doctors and hospitals were not informed of proper treatment methods for MIC gas inhalation. They were told to simply give cough medicine and eyedrops to their patients. Union Carbide agreed to pay $470 million to the residents of Bhopal. That amount is lower than in the lawsuit and substantially lower than similar Asbestos cases Union Carbide was settling concurrently in the United States.By the end of October 2003, according to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Department, compensation had been awarded to 554,895 people for injuries received and 15,310 survivors of those killed. The average amount to families of the dead was $2,200. Union Carbide also attempted to distance itself from the tragedy by blaming its subsidiary in India and even fabricated stories about a Sikh extremist group and disgruntled former employees bent on sabotaging the plant. Health Effects Summary for MICImmediate Health Effects   (0-6 months) * Ocular: Chemosis, redness, watering, ulcers, photophobia * Respiratory: Distress, pulmonary edema, pneumonitis, pneumothorax * Gastrointestinal: Persistent diarrhea, anorexia, persistent abdominal pain * Ge netic: Increased chromosomal abnormalities * Psychological: Neuroses, anxiety states, adjustment reactions * Neurobehavioral: Impaired audio and visual memory, impaired vigilance attention and response time, Impaired reasoning and spatial ability, impaired psychomotor coordinationLong-term Health Effects * Ocular: Persistent watering, corneal opacities, chronic conjunctivitis * Respiratory: Obstructive and restrictive airway disease, decreased lung function * Reproductive: Increased pregnancy loss, increased infant mortality, decreased placental/fetal weight * Genetic: Increased chromosomal abnormalities * Neurobehavioral: Impaired associate learning, motor speed, and precision

Monday, December 2, 2019

Several Essays Inside Essays - Oaths, , Term Papers

Several Essays Inside Sample Work Unedited Version: Unedited version will contain poor writing and uncorrected typos. To view the edited version and critique, please click here. Questions: 1- Please discuss the factors, both professional and personal, influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. What are your career goals for the future, and why is now the appropriate time to pursue an MBA at XXX? How will you avail yourself of the resources at the XXX to achieve these goals? (3 pages or 1000 words) 2- Describe a personal achievement that has had a significant impact on your life. In addition to recounting this achievement, please analyze how the event has changed your understanding of yourself and how you perceive the world around you. (3 pages or 1000 words) 3.Optional Essay The Admissions Committee believes the required essay topics address issues that are important in understanding your candidacy for the MBA Program at XXX. If there are extenuating circumstances or concerns affecting your application that you feel the Admissions Committee should be aware of, please elaborate here (e.g., your academic performance as an accurate measure of your potential, unexplained gaps in your work experience) (3 pages or 1000 words) 1-PAST CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE GOALS Have you ever seen, heard of or witnessed any of the following things? -- The surface of the sea littered with dead sheep. -- A domestic waste landfill explosion leading to a number of deaths due to the resultant flood of waste? -- Tea vendors offering radiation-contaminated tea for half-price? -- A little girl's death resulting from her fall through an open sewage manhole in her school garden? -- Radioactive waste sold to unsuspecting scrap dealers, causing their deaths. -- A twenty year-old tanker breaking into pieces, spilling hundreds of tons of crude oil and killing sea life. Unfortunately, such environmental disasters have become common place in Turkey. Concerned about such situations, and aware of the insensitivity of the authorities towards our environment and health, I sought to learn ways to prevent these types of disasters. At the age of fifteen, I decided to focus my studies on environmental sciences, in order to equip myself with the technical tools I would need to do just that. I went on to earn a Master's degree in environmental sciences, subsequently attending a professional international management certificate program in order to gain management perspective. In order to make use of my technical knowledge and management skills in an effective way, I was aware of the fact that I should start working in a large company that would in turn would provide me insight experience from various industries and the international business arena. I have now worked in the energy and environment group of Koc Holding headquarters, the first and biggest diversified conglomerate, for nearly two years as a project engineer, mainly responsible for environment and energy sector investments of our holding companies. This work position gave me an opportunity to interact with businessmen from all over the world which expanded my international perspective. Working with American partners and English consultants, I gleaned the subtle meaning of being a professional. Though it was unusual for a young associate to be a representative for my company at such events, I am proud to say that my outstanding work performance allowed me to seize the opportunity to attend various meetings with local and international governmental bodies such as OPIC, IFC and the World Bank that increased my self-confidence and improved my management skills. While working in various business lines, such as automotive industry, consumer durables and energy sector, I have realized that the root cause of many environmental problems is financial. I believe that many people in the environmental sector are so ignorant or insensitive that they will cheat customers to increase profits. Furthermore, businesses do not prioritize environmental investments and, as a result, insufficient funds are allocated to adequately prevent problems. For instance, with a population over eight million people, Istanbul, the biggest city in Turkey does not have a properly operating sewage system, and in most of the areas waste water is discharged directly to Bosphorus. Ultimately, I am interested in helping to